Fenceline Monitoring Solution

Sensible EDP Solutions



Innovative Solutions for Fenceline Monitoring

Real Time Fenceline Monitoring

Through Sensible EDP, we integrate various advanced techniques that provide real time, actionable data, collected along a facility fenceline. Whether it's  real time data collected to meet a regulatory requirement or consent decree, or data collected to support a fenceline program involving sample collection and analysis, Sensible EDP utilizes the most current technologies to ensure you stay compliant with regulations, while also remaining cost-efficient.

Software is the Secret Sauce

The Command Center is where your environmental data is processed and monitored. It sends alerts via email, phone, text, and API when emissions are detected.

Early Leak Detection and Source Identification: We use our proprietary stand-alone software, along with triangulation techniques, to pinpoint potential emissions sources early, before they escalate. This allows for swift response, mitigation and emissions reductions.

Quantifiable: Sensible EDP software allows for quantification of fugitive emissions. Whether it's methane for ESG reporting or air toxics to reduce impacts, Sensible EDP has the tools.

Sensible EDP Solution
Project Services for Advanced Fenceline Monitoring

Thanks to the flexibility built into the Sensible Environmental Data Platform, our Project Services team is always in position to help you find the most current technologies to ensure you stay compliant with regulations while also remaining cost-efficient. Our Project Services team will be there to support your organization throughout the entire project lifecycle including: Monitoring Program Design, Development of Monitoring Plans, Installation, Operations and Maintenance, Data Acquisition and Management, and Alert Response.

Point Measurements

The Montrose Emerging Technologies division is dedicated to investigating and promoting the newest measurement technologies to keep us and our customers on the cutting edge of environmental monitoring. We employ numerous point measurement technologies to ensure customers receive the most appropriate technology to meet their unique data quality objectives. We deploy sensors that utilize Gas Chromatography, employing different detectors (FID, PID, TCD, TDT-PID) as well as total VOC and other pollutant sensors. Montrose is on the cutting edge of deploying various methane sensing techniques and has evaluated optical, infrared, and TDL based methane sensors.

Passive Tubes and Canister Sampling

Various regulations such as the refinery fenceline rule and the proposed HON, as well as consent decrees and Section 114 requests, require fenceline monitoring. Fenceline monitoring is typically required by EPA Method 325A/B which uses passive tubes for sample collection and EPA Method 327 which uses canisters for sample collection. Montrose, with its NELAP-accredited subsidiary Enthalpy Analytical, can provide turn key support for fenceline monitoring programs from the siting of samplers, sample collection, sample analysis and reporting. Montrose and Enthalpy pioneered the development and use of these sampling and analytical methods and currently operates over 50 programs nationwide.

Open Path Technologies

Wide Coverage: Open-path air monitoring systems utilize beams of light to detect and quantify various pollutants. Montrose can install and maintain open path fenceline programs that meet the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1180, BAAQMD Regulation 12 - Rule 15, and Colorado House Bill 1189. Montrose employs various Open-Path Monitoring techniques (UV-DOAS, OP-FTIR, OP-TDL/QCL) which can cover up to a 1 km distance for a comprehensive view of your emission landscape.

Mobile Solutions

Our drone solutions offer a broad and non-intrusive perspective of your fenceline emission. Our PTR-TOF-MS allows for instant and ultra-low detection of emissions where you need it. These techniques facilitate immediate response and accurate tracking from any location, whether it's on the fenceline or in the facility. We can also equip any point sensor on a mobile platform to facilitate monitoring of a facilities fenceline.

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